Day Six
We started our day all serving together at the Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) LA. This is an amazing organization with a presence on every continent. (Prestonwood has partnered with CHF for our recent “Prestonwood Cares” movement.) CHF exists to equip churches to minister to those in need, providing Biblical resources for pastors / leaders. The single goal is to proclaim Christ to those in need. They also try to assist others in understanding the physical and spiritual impact of poverty while developing awareness, igniting passion, and encouraging ACTION. While there, our group divided into 3 groups and had a friendly competition to see which group could bag, label, seal and box the most 2lb bags of beans. More important than the fun that ensued, we sorted & labeled 3100 lbs of beans to be distributed to families in need! Unbelievable.
This afternoon, our groups spread out throughout LA / Burbank area to GIVE encouragement & joy (like REVERSE pan-handling… rather than ASKING others for something, we are GIVING encouragement and a bottle of water to those passing by). Our students had some great opportunities to talk with & pray with people. So many people were pleasantly surprised by this activity and thanked us. Check out #BetterTogetherLA on social media.
We ended Day 6 with our final Block party / concert in McCambridge Park in Burbank. It was a huge success.
Please pray for all of the seeds that have been planted! Pray for the ministries we have joined with this week (including Story City Church, the Dream Center, Children’s Hunger Fund, Union Rescue Mission, & Shadow Mountain Community Church).
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!!